17 Feb 2011

1st peek into the Chaos army - Tzeentch

Ok, i decided id give the light box idea a go.. so i got the camera out, dusted off some minis, and started snapping. I need some time to perfect the box i feel.. but I got some half decent photos with just the background and 2 lamps. I had taken many pics of the army before but theyr all trapped in a faulty computer.. school boy error not backing that up lol.. DOH!

A quick note before i proceed, please excuse the grammer/spelling. I spend too much time txting/writing in slang and so abreviated words that it just comes out in general text. and so this is what happens :P

Anyhoo.. i decided to show a small group on Tzeentch models i have. they are a tidy group within my army. the whole army is very diverse and themes are mixed. i have sorced some from different places, had some painted, painted some myself.. and so on. so its not the tidiest unit. thast something i think i will change. so i think some of my current models will get the axe and end up on ebay.

I really like the tzeentch models. they can look real smart and the colours are bold. as things progress in the model making world in terms of precision and detail they are becoming out dated but these guys still look the part in any chaos army!! I think i will start by showing a thousand sons squad i have. its 6 marines with a sorcerer...

A pretty tidy bunch i hope you will agree. next i'm going to show u a terminator squad. I'm so proud of these guys. i was trauling through ebay and found a couple converted termis, they looked pretty cool so a picked em up. cheap too ;). i likes them so much i had to find the bits to complete a squad, this wasnt so cheap, but was well worth it.

Very fitting for the powers of tzeentch! i was soooo chuffed. i put them on larger bases and made them a little scenic. the heads came from eagle riders in the wood elves range most of the termi arms are probably 1st or 2nd edition, real old school, but thats part of the tzeentch effect. then the trophy racks are from the the dark angel raven gaurd bike squadron i think. they were the most expensive part to source. i was jammy enough to get the eagle heads by recking 2 perfectly good eagles lol but those racks were £2 each special order, and i bet u cant get them at all any more!! the whole look really wraps up the tzeentch theme in my eyes.

sooo... i made a termi lord to finish this off lol

I went to town on this one. Abaddons body, termi champion head, possesed marines claw encasing a heavy flamer which backlinks to the power armour. The trophy rancks are taller than the terminators in the squad, for that superior look. and i used the tank traps etc on the base as i did in the rest of the squad. i have no idea where the power claw comes from. it was in the bits box, so couldnt resist :)

Also i have a couple tzeentch tanks and a forgeworld tzeentch dreadnought. i bought these from a dutch guy so i cant take credit for the work. but they suit my guys well. so here they are 

Another tzeentch guy i possess is a sort of sorcerer in terminator armour (probably not aloud in the rules lol) but i got bored and had a tonne of bits to play with and literally built a model out of a box of scrap. nothing more satisfying i tell ya haha.. here he is

Random eh... hehe

Well thats the main part of the tzeentch stuff i wanted to post.. so to keep things tidy i will stop here. More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, i always loved those terminators with the eagle heads!
