23 Feb 2011

Chaos army showcase continued - Khorne

Sooo, next up of my pride and joy is the khorne stuff. I have some more to add to this group as this is older photos. but this is enough to be showcasing in one go anyhow

Khorne was what got me into chaos in the first place. the khorne line has always been pretty cool, and the colour scheme is great to work with. always liked beserkers, kharn the betrayer is an awsome model, even by todays standards, and the general theme has always caught my eye!

 So here are the pics...

Kharn the betrayer and Huron Blackheart. Kharn is one of my all time favourite models. i think i have painted 10-20 of them

A sample of beserkers.. I used to have a zillion of these bad boys, think its only a couple squads now but i still love the models.

These are some of my conversions. i love to convert different models. my army has alot of HQ type figures :) I particularly like the Khorne sorcerer pictured third. he turned up in a army set i bought, i had to paint him!!

Another model that came into my hands already made. I loved painting this model! I used chaos black base coat and before it totally dried sprayed on some blood red from a high angle to create the base colour in a shaded manor and almost highlighting it before u touch a paint brush. obviously i did several highlights after but you gain so much time by starting in that position.

Now thats a paint scheme!! hope u agree :P. I really like the model too. I have a conversion with the skulltaker on one of these bad boys too.. looks awsome. will get a pic for here asap

And finally a forgeworld world eater dreadnought


  1. I agree, Khorne is deffinately my favorite Chaos power! Closely followed by Nurgle i think!

  2. All pretty nice miniatures, nice work. But let me ask you about the wings of the winged marine with an axe, how did you paint it? Looks cool, and I think I would like to paint my DP wings that way too ;D

  3. cheers. yeh nurgle defo a close second. i like them all to be honest lol

    the winged marine... It was a while ago but im pretty sure that the range of flesh colours from GW. Darkflesh, followed by a blend of that and dwarf flesh (i think) working it up to a lighter flesh close to the bottom of the wing. i think i used a dry brush across the ''grain'' of the wing to creat a sort of sinuous muscular highlighting effect. and the frame of the wings is plain ol black

  4. oh and there would be ink washes using the newer washes they brought out too.
